Sunday, August 26, 2007

AVSI's role in Northern Uganda

AVSI has been present in Northern Uganda since 1984, when the organization started its activities with a health project in collaboration with the district. AVSI has offices in Kitgum, Gulu, and Pader. Today AVSI is present in 34 IDP camps in Kitgum, Pader, Gulu, and Amuru districts. Sixty-nine percent of AVSI activities in Uganda are implemented in the Northern Region, reaching more than 2,500,000 beneficiaries every year. AVSI works in partnership with 7 hospitals, 26 health centers and 5 local NGOs.

The sectors of activities in the Northern region are:
  • Health (support to 7 hospitals and 26 health centres with drugs, medical equipments, food for patients, training to staff, logistic supports, constructions) – Gulu, Kitgum, Pader
  • HIV/AIDS activities (support to the Prevention of Mother To Child Transmission program in 3 hospitals and 11 health centres, sensitizations, provision of drugs and Antiretroviral Treatment, training of staff, support to local NGOs) - Kitgum, Pader, Gulu
  • Disability (identification and treatment of People With Disabilities and of Epilepsy Patients, trainings on medical rehabilitation, treatment of paralyzed patients) - Gulu
  • Protection/Education (sponsorship to students in formal and non formal education, support to orphans and vulnerable children, trainings of teachers and social workers, reintegration of formerly abducted children, provision of income generating activities, camp coordination and return monitoring) – Kitgum, Pader, Gulu
  • Water and Sanitation (drilling and motorization of boreholes, distribution of soap and sanitary materials, hygiene promotion, distribution of NFI)- Kitgum, Pader, Gulu
  • Food Security (distribution of seeds and tools) – Kitgum, Pader
  • Mine Action (Mine Risk Education, Victim Assistance) – Gulu, Kitgum
AVSI's long presence in Uganda has brought a deep understanding of the context and has allowed us to establish strong links with local networks, often used in the implementation of projects. Furthermore, this long experience in the country permitted the constitution of well- established relationships of coordination and collaboration with the local authorities, other institutions and all the major sectors where AVSI is involved in the line ministries. All AVSI projects, therefore, are implemented through the collaboration of local partners and through the permission of local and central Authorities.

the new blog

This is the new blog for all updates on AVSI related activities in Uganda. In addition to the existing AVSI websites at and, this site will hopefully provide a good idea as to the daily activities of our organization.